Dec 20 2007

azi sau maine !?

Hai sa ne amintim si de Magda Isanos, o femeie superba, o poetesa ce promitea mult, un om care a murit atat de devreme, la doar 26 de ani …, cea care ii scria sotului sau, Eusebiu Camilar, cu doar cateva luni inainte de a muri: “Cu cât timpurile sunt mai barbare, mai înveninate de urã si mai irationale cu atât intelectualul este dator sã cultive sufletul lui într’un sens moral si sã se opunã curentului.

O poezie frumoasa de-a ei este “Murim… ca mâine”:

E-asa de trist să cugeti ca-ntr-o zi,
poate chiar maine, pomii de pe-aleea
colo unde-i vezi or să mai stee
voiosi, în vreme ce vom putrezi.

Atâta soare, Doamne,-atâta soare
o să mai fie-n lume dupa noi;
cortegii de-anotimpuri si de ploi,
cu par din care siruie racoare…

Si iarba asta o să mai rasara,
iar luna tot asa o să se plece,
mirata, peste apa care trece
-noi singuri n-o să fim a doua oara.

Si-mi pare-asa ciudat ca se mai poate
gasi atata vreme pentru ura,
când viata e de-abia o picatura
intre minutu-acesta care bate

si celalalt – si-mi pare nenteles
si trist ca nu privim la cer mai des,
ca nu culegem flori si nu zambim,
noi, care-asa de repede murim.

Sep 29 2007

Babe – Take that

I come to your door to see you again,
But where you once stood was an old man instead
I asked where you’d be, he said “she’s moved, on you see
All I have is a number you’d better ask her not me”
So I picked up the phone and dialled your number
Not sure to put it down or speak
Then a voice I once knew answered in sweet voice
She said hello then paused before I began to speak

Babe I’m back again, I tell you I’m back again
Where have you been?
Babe, I’m back again, I tell you I’m back again
Where have you been?

You held your voice well, there were tears I could tell
But where were you now? Was you gonna tell me in time?
Just give me a town and I’ll be straight down
Got so much to tell you about where I have been
As I walk down your road, can’t wait to be near you
Can’t keep the feeling in inside
As I stand at your door you answered in a sweet voice
You said hello then pause before I begin to speak

Babe I’m here again, I tell you I’m here again
Where have you been?Babe, I’m back again,
I tell you I’m back againWhere have you been?

Just as I looked away, I saw a face behind you
A little boy stood at your doorAnd then I looked again
I saw his face was shining
He had my eyes, he had my smile

Babe I’m here again, I tell you I’m here again
Where have you been?
Babe, I’m back again, I tell you I’m back again
Where have you been?(X2)

May 6 2006

Just the Two of Us

Artist: Grover Washington, Jr. & Bill Withers Lyrics

I see the crystal raindrops fall
And see the beauty of it all
Is when the sun comes shining through
To make those rainbows in my mind
When I think of you some time
And I want to spend some time with you
Just the two of us
We can make it if we try
Just the two of us
Just the two of us
Building castles in the sky
Just the two of us
You and I

We look for love, no time for tears
Wasted water’s all that is
And it don’t make no flowers grow
Good things might come to those who wait
Not to those who wait too late
We got to go for all we know

Just the two of us
We can make it if we try
Just the two of us
Just the two of us
Building castles in the sky
Just the two of us
You and I

I hear the crystal raindrops fall
On the window down the hall
And it becomes the morning dew
Darling, when the morning comes
And I see the morning sun
I want to be the one with you

Just the two of us
We can make it if we try
Just the two of us
Just the two of us
Building big castles way on high
Just the two of us
You and I